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100% CITY

Rimini Protokoll

The German theatre company Rimini Protokoll has been working on the unusual perspectives and  representation of our everyday reality through the medium of theatre, sound and radio plays, film, installation since 2000.

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100% City: Performances



One of their most well known work is the 100% City, which is also the work that I am going to be mainly working on as my case study. This collection of performances stage in different cities like Berlin, London, Oslo, Copenhagen and represent 100 resident statistically. The project challenged the traditional understanding of identity, culture, political division of population, and look at the city through the lens of its people. 100 citizens of each particular city telling their stories, expressing their views on various topics including relationships, social issues, personal interests, and life. The 100% City, as Rimini Protokoll describes, presents 'a gathering that is a city, a group just beginning to experience itself, a choir that has never practiced an impossible entity with many faces, assembled into ever-changing new group pictures.' It is a way to read human in a city scale and raise questions of how we perceive and develop concepts of identity and community in nowadays world, as well as revealing the self, and the common humanity.


The works of Rimini Protokoll focus on the authenticity and the real life experts which are the ordinary population in everyday  life perform on stage. All of the projects are strongly related to the world outside theatre, and provided real experience for the audience.


I would like to explore the human feeling and the relationship between cities and its population. The 100% City project offers an insight of how we could read the theme of city and human. Also the large scale installation used by Rimini Protokoll also inspired me of using media, film, pictures and sound effect to represent the interaction lively onstage.


The use of live camera and projection on stage in 100% project inspired me to use moving images in my work. Also, they used installations to represent cities in different ways which looks like they were creating a city of their own. Moreover, the large scale tech devices made the performers in 100% Project were surrounded by the live videos, live music and their own speaking, and everything, is about the city they are living in. Which inspired me to use screens and projections to fill a space with images fading in and out, to create a floating sense of cities in the space. But different from Rimini Protokoll, there will not be performers in the center of the stage, it will be the audiences. I would like the audiences to create connections in their mind with the images of cities, of life in cities and provoke personal memories and emotion . The creating of nostalgia is very individual as well as hidden, but it would be fascinating if I could receive various feedback from different audiences, and knowing that they could engage with the pictures followed on their own path.



100% City: Box Office
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